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NB: Alle produkte word SELF gemaak, NIKS word ingevoer nie.

NOTE: All products are home-made, NOT imported. 

Gerda Gesondheid
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Please note that the containers in which the products are supplied, may differ, depending on what is available from my suppliers. The packaging of the product you receive may therefore differ from the photos.

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BEST SELLER Lady Skinny & SkinnyGuy Deluxe Option A R1650

Weight Loss General, #LadySkinny, Specials & Best Sellers
R 1485.00R 1650.00
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BEST SELLER Lady Skinny Deluxe Option A  R1650 , SA only, 5 week supply LOOSE UP TO 10KG IN 10 DAYS
You get the following: 
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* 30 day Lady Skinny Solution drops (1 teaspoon daily)
* 30 day Lady Skinny Fat Bomb drops (5 drops daily)
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* 21 Day Xtreme Fat Blast Syrup (45ml a day)
* 30 Day Xtreme Fatburner  (2 capsules daily)
100% Natural, NO Chemical Ingredients, Minerals & Herbs Only, NO heart palpitations NO jitters
*Depending on where you stay